Integrative Health Practitioner

For Those Who Are Ready To Holistically Heal Their
Gut & Hormone Health

A science-backed, no BS approach to nutrition, lifestyle & mindset that’ll address the root cause of your symptoms so you can finally feel better from the inside out. 

Your body is always talking to you.

Are you listening?

When you’re struggling for months or years with symptoms like migraines, bloating, gas, mood swings, brain fog, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, or painful and irregular periods combined with difficulty losing weight, something’s not working. That’s why I’m so freaking passionate about getting to the root of the problem - to holistically look at your symptoms, peel back the layers, and create a plan that’s designed to work for you! 

Let’s ditch the clean eating & cookie cutter plans together.

“When you go from doctor to doctor and still don’t have the answers you’re looking for, it’s time to try something new.”

Integrative Health Coaching designed for you. No gimmicks or fad diets. Around here, we create a program that’s personalized to you - your life, symptoms and long term goals. 

Just because your symptoms are common, doesn’t mean they’re normal. It’s time to experience life with the energy & vibrance you’ve been craving.

Simply Healthy Academy

This program was designed for the woman who’s ready to address her health from the inside out. She’s tired of getting “normal” lab results from the doctor even though she knows deep down something is off. 

You’re ready to live fully instead of barely keeping your head above water every day.

1:1 Coaching

You’re ready to not just survive but thrive. You’ve spent far too long exhausted, overwhelmed, and anxious all the damn time. And you’re ready to get your energy & your life back. It’s time to unleash the energetic, unstoppable powerhouse that you are.

Welcome to your first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you!

Hey, I’m Kacey &

I think it’s time to kick your symptoms’ ass!

By the time I was 27, I was on 4 different prescriptions due to gut and hormonal imbalances… and I knew there had to be a better way. I didn’t get a diagnosis until I was 33, and little did I know that was only the beginning of my health journey. 

My symptoms only started to improve once I peeled back the layers (think Shrek & his onions) of what was happening beneath the surface. My issues went so far beyond the chronic fatigue, weight gain, bloating, migraines and mood swings and I knew I couldn’t be the only one out there. 

Want to know what made me even more angry? 

Thinking about people like you, who keep getting told that your labs are normal and your symptoms are common. Just because they’re common, doesn’t mean they’re normal. 

That’s why I’ve made it my mission to share what I’ve learned, using evidence-based strategies including a combination of functional medicine lab testing to help you start feeling better right freaking now.

What My Clients Are Saying

  • “I wasn't sleeping well, I had poor digestion, my menstrual cycle was getting irregular, my skin became a lot drier and more sensitive... and I was exhausted and moody all the time. Kacey's focus on science-based nutrition and making progress one step at a time connected with me & helped me finally start to feel better. Enrolling in Simply Healthy Academy is truly the best gift you could ever give yourself.”

    - Lindsey S.

  • “I’ve been working on weight loss for years, but wasn’t eating foods for optimal health - I really wanted to eat more plant-based foods and didn’t know how! Using Kacey’s formulas, I’ve been able to go from averaging 1-2 servings of plant foods every day to eating 10 servings, even on a bad day! Simply Healthy Academy was filled with so much knowledge and scientific facts, not just someone’s opinion. Kacey brings so much expertise to the program and continues to grow and learn more every day just to make the program better! It is so worth the money, and even more.”

    - Brianne

  • “I decided to enroll in Simply Healthy Academy because I was having health issue after health issue. I didn’t want to be stuck on medicines for life or continue to see declining health. I wanted a natural and healthy approach to improve my health. After four months of the program I can say Simply Healthy Academy exceeded my expectations!”

    - Laura V.